Finding Christ While on the Trail of the Three Brothers


ISBN: 978-1-7923-6696-3

9.75″ W x 11.38″ H – Spiral bound

362 pages (94 pages of full color illustrations)

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For nearly 1500 years the Maya had been the divine kings of the rainforest. For nearly 1500 years they would dominate everything from the dense jungles of Northern Honduras to the lowland jungles of the Yucatan peninsula. Across Central America, they pushed back the jungle to build hundreds of magnificent cities, inhabited by some of the best and brightest artists, engineers, astronomers, mathematicians and architects the world had ever seen. And then, this incredible world would just disappear as if it had never existed.

But this is not a story of what was perhaps the greatest civilization to ever exist in the ancient world. This is a story of their “One true God” and our effort to find Him. His ancient name was Itzamna. They called him Kinich Ahau, the Lord whose face showed the light of the sun. On the sides of temples, on great stone monuments known as stelae and on incense burners, they showed their God descending into the mouth of death and hell. They showed Him, rising from the dead with the breath of life in His nostrils. And, they showed Him descending from heaven to bless the lives of His people. And they left behind their witness in stone that they had personally seen him and that he had walked amongst them.

This is also a story of what the archaeological world calls the “Three Brothers”. They were three immortals, who traversed the Mayan world from the time of Christ to the time of the conquest by Spain. Everywhere they went, they taught about the great Itzamna or Descending God who had come down out of heaven, to heal the sick and raise the dead.

Most important of all though, it is the true story of our journey of healing, and the love of Christ which was made manifest in our family as we sought to find evidence of Him and His visit to the Americas, as we journeyed from the Jungles of Central America to the Capitals of Europe.